About Us


Years of Experience in Logistics & Transporting

About Our Company

We are Empire Logistics Transport

Our daily endeavor is to find the most efficient way to get your goods where they need to be. The philosophy behind Empire Logistics Transport brings together a desire to be cost-effective while offering top quality. A network of resources allows us to take your goods by land, air, or sea safely and securely to their destination. For trusted local and national transportation logistics, call Empire Logistics Transport.

  • Swift Delivery Service
  • Cost-Effective Shipment
  • Secure & Safe Transportation
  • Anytime Home Delivery

A pledge to never have hidden fees makes us one of Canada's most trusted transportation experts. We find the best logistic strategy to transport your freight safely, and you have 24/7 access to our logistic specialists. Your merchandise is packed with care to arrive in the same condition we picked it up in. We understand how vital transportation of these items is to you, and we promise it is just as important to us, too.

Why Choose Empire Logistics Transport?

Service Oriented, Swift & Secure Delivery

In every interaction, the question at our core is, "How can we serve you with our best?". We sincerely look to create the optimal transportation or logistics solution for you and your company. Our job is to surpass your expectations, from our logistics specialists to our drivers and beyond. For transportation logistics across Canada, find out what Empire Logistics Transport can do for you.